Tutoring, Test Prep, and College Admissions Counseling | Quantum Prep

Over 200 years

of combined teaching experience working directly for you.
Not 1 Teacher for 30 Students
But 30 Teachers for 1 Student
Teachers Network Community TM

Let us Help You
Get Back on Your Feet

We Coach and Support Each Other
and would enjoy the opportunity...

...to do the same for you >>

i.e. Share your challenges and goals with us


Tired of feeling left out of the important education decisions?

Let's change that >>

Don't worry...
...it's not you

With 7 learning styles, 5 teaching philosophies and 100’s of
methods, what are the odds you’re a fit for your classroom teacher? That’s why we create personalized programs
that take advantage of your unique learning style and strengths.

Let us show you a better way >>

More than a typical tutoring company, our unique programs are developed by experienced, professional educators working together as a networked community to mentor and challenge students of all levels to reach their academic potential. Our unique…
… Learn Faster >>

Admissions Consulting
With so many prestigious schools like MIT, BU, BC, Tufts, Harvard and more, Boston is home to some of the best college admissions consultants in the country. Much like our teacher’s networked community, Quantum Prep has created a network of the finest…
… Get Accepted >>

Test Prep
Being able to perform your best in a tightly controlled testing environment is a challenge we understand. With our test preparation services, you’ll be exposed to strategies that strengthen your skill-set so that you can walk…

… Perform Better>>

All students are not created equal

Let Quantum Prep show you how to take advantage of your unique learning styles and strengths and…

…Unleash Your “Super Student”


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